While in Port Douglas I signed up for a day trip to go out to the Great Barrier Reef. The boat was going to stop at two sites where passengers could go snorkeling and/or scuba diving, so I opted in for the introductory scuba dive at the first stop. On the morning of the trip, while making our wavy way out to the reef, the scuba diving instructor gave a briefing to cover key info required to survive the introductory scuba dive. Topics included how to communicate underwater (there are several standard hand gestures), how to equalize pressure (to avoid blowing your eardrums - hold your nose and blow out) and the basics on how to use the equipment provided. The crowd was divided up into groups of four for the first timers. It seemed safe and simple enough that I felt ready to take the plunge.
The first step was a test just below surface to gauge our level of comfort before officially going down. After gearing up with a mask, air tank, mouthpiece, weights and flippers, I was told to sit on the edge of the back of the boat and practice breathing through the mouthpiece while I waited for my one-on-one time with the instructor. I sat there, breathing in and out through the mouthpiece. It wasn't difficult, just kinda annoying (in a cumbersome way) so I kept cheating by taking it out and breathing normally (i.e. without it :) ). The guy responsible for herding the intro divers into the water noticed and had me start breathing through the mouthpiece again. Three times! I was happy when it was my turn to slide into the water and get started. After I got into the waves, my instructor Sean said I'd need to hold on to a rope and go one meter below surface to try out what we'd covered in the briefing. We both went underwater, with me holding the rope to guide my path and gauge depth. I thought I was doing ok at the beginning... breathing in, and out, and in, and out... and I was, right up until Sean made a hand gesture to ask if I was ok. I tried to make one in return to say yes and found myself accidentally communicating that I wanted to go back up to the surface (this is what a thumbs up means underwater - go figure!), which I then tried to follow up with other signals to indicate that my first hand gesture was not what I'd wanted to say. But we hadn't covered the signals I needed so I was trying to make some up! It wasn't working... This all took some brain power and time and at some point I noticed that I was lacking oxygen. In the midst of trying to communicate underwater I'd forgotten to breathe! And I'd let go of the rope, and was sinking further underwater, fast... I panicked. I couldn't wait for Sean's reply - I popped right back up to the surface and pulled out my mouthpiece, gasping for air. A wave splashed in my face. Sean followed me back up: "What happened? What did I tell you to do?" I wondered if he'd noticed my fear and felt a bit embarrassed that I'd had to come back up before we were done the test. I tried to hide it: "Umm, I'm not sure what happened. I guess I let go of the rope?" Sean gave me some pointers before suggesting we do a re-take. This time, when we slipped below surface I focused on two things: breathing continuously and holding on to the rope. Everything else was secondary. And I managed to pass the surface test! Two of the four people in my group weren't so lucky...
So then there were just two of us left in our group for the intro scuba dive. Sean gave us another quick briefing before we started, reminding us that we'd equalize as a group every meter on the way down and about the hand gestures we needed to know. When we slipped underwater, I knew that this time there'd be no opportunity to pop back up to the surface: I'd need to remember to breathe the entire time. We started the descent... I was doing ok with the breathing, and was busy looking around, trying to figure out if we were supposed to equalize yet. Were the others doing it? I couldn't tell. I didn't want to damage my eardrums and had no idea how far down we'd gone, so I went ahead and did it on my own. The descent continued... I was still breathing all right, but still there were no signs of group equalization. I continued to equalize on my own - pretty much constantly, along with reminding myself to breathe - and the next thing I knew we were at the bottom, next to some coral and just above sand. Sean made a hand gesture - one that hadn't been covered in the briefing. I wanted to address whatever he was saying but couldn't, because I literally had no idea what that was! Now that we were at the bottom I had the added complication of trying to avoid swimming into coral. At the same time I had to continue trying to figure out what my instructor was saying. And respond. And pose for the underwater photographer. And breathe. It's amazing how much more difficult things can be when your survival is at stake! Things that you take for granted on land - like your ability to breathe and communicate - are a challenge underwater. I'm not gonna lie - there were definitely a few split seconds of panic where I forgot to breathe because I was focused on something else - between the reef, the photographer and the communication attempts, there was a lot going on! I can totally see how people get overwhelmed and feel the need to head up for air at the surface. The whole thing passed very quickly and before I knew it we were climbing back into the boat. I'd barely had time to enjoy the underwater scenery! Luckily I got some snorkeling in afterwards...
Later that day, after we got back on shore I decided to get some exercise. Running on the beach, I found myself naturally breathing in and out through my mouth - a skill that just hours earlier had seemed so difficult and unnatural underwater that I had to constantly remind myself to do so in order to survive the dive. How is it possible that something that happens so instinctively and automatically in everyday life can all of a sudden make you feel like a fish out of water?
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